Take Care Of The Small Things
“If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves.” ~ Emily Dickinson, 1830 – 1886
Its a little known fact that Emily Dickinson was a keen crafter. What a pity CraftPacks hadn't been invented in the 1800's she would have probably loved them!
A CraftPack is an ideal way for artists, hobbyists, model makers, crafters etc to store small, easy to lose items in a container which allows for easy viewing and access without unclipping lids or catches. If you are not fortunate enough to have a permanent workspace then being able to pack away small items mid-project is vital. The CraftPack is ideal for exactly this.
What's In A Craftpack?
The outer box is included in the set so if you buy an 18 Box CraftPack you will get 17 small boxes inside an A4 Box. Likewise if you buy a 14 Box CraftPack you get 13 small boxes inside a lager box (its an A4 Box). We have 3 types of CraftPack: 18 Box Set, 14 Box set or 9 box set.
Top 3 Items To Store In A CraftPack
3. Tool shed supplies, screws, nails, nuts, bolts, all the consumable items supplied in bags that spill everywhere once they're open.
2. Beads. Beads and more beads. There are so many types, colours, styles and they all must be kept seperate!
1. Sewing equipment. Needles, threads, spools, pins, there are so many small items and most of them are sharp! Keep them safe and secure in a CraftPack.
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